Welcome to Mandalam

The word 'mandalam' as used in this website simply means 'circle'. The center of a circle is where one starts to explore the nature and content of that circle. If we look upon ourselves as circles of energy, the center of our circle is where our deepest nature lies, a nature that expresses itself outward filling and expanding that circle with the delight of its own creativity, a unique being having a unique experience.
The various books and articles on 1cosmicenergy.com are journys into various aspects of 'self' as the center of an individual consciousness, and of its creative expressions in the land of experience we perceive as the physical plane of existence.
Some of these journeys are narrative in nature such as the two 'metaphysical' adventure stories Journey to Mandalam & Beyond Mandalam (third in progress).
If you are interested in emotion, which everyone should be, since emotion fills much of life’s experiences, take a look at Chapter Two of Fundamentals of Japanese Emotional Experience: Inner Realities and Outer Relations, which describes many of the ways emotion is analyzed and understood individually, culturally and cross-culturally.
If you are more into pure experience, try the articles on River or Candle meditations.
Under the Psychology of Meditation menu you will find PDFs on subjects such as The Actualizing Self, and The Role of Belief in defining the Self and a 158 slide presentation on The Cloud of Knowing examinging historical and current theories on the relationship between Freedom, Self-actualization and Sustainability.
On the social & cultural level, Peace, Conflict and Sustainability may appeal, or if the metaphysical is more your cup of tea, The Nature of Time may tickle your mind.
If you are into Astrology or Cosmology with a sprinkling of Quantum Physics, Fractals & other fascinating aspects of reality...check out the Spiritual Nature of Astrology, a 117 slide PowerPoint presentation that will give you a lot to think about while strolling along the beach or in the forest.
Or, if you would like to study how to actually create your personal Natal Chart, analyze it and begin to explore who you really are and your potential to become more, go the Basics of Astrological Analysis.
All of these articles, PDF or PP lectures and books may serve as roadmaps to deeper, higher, more expansive expression of the pure consciousness at the center of your being.
There is only one admonition for whoever journeys upon these trails. They must remember that the only limits upon consciousness are self-imposed. Learn to identify these limits, neutralize them, then take a wild ride on a consciousness without limitations.
The center of consciousness is everywhere and expands unconditionally in all directions if given its freedom. Only the narrowed focus of our attention restrains it. Free your focus, listen to, and experience the ocean of unrestrained consciousness, and therein find freedom, the adventure of self-actualization and the cosmic mystery contained within the ultimate life-giving act of sustainability.
First, an intro to two new books taking an innovative look at how the search for freedom in its many aspects defines every moment of our lives.

What it is and how to achieve it
Richard E Bradshaw PhD
Volume 1 and Volume 2 of Freedom: What it is and How to Achieve it, consist of a series of essays forming two distinct but connected narratives. The first narrative which is contained in Volume 1 focuses on the complete human experience, of how spirit expresses itself within a physical environment, how the self we perceive as personality and ego comes into being and how that self interacts with other selves to create the relational world in which we play out our individual and collective dramas.
Volume 2 of the narrative dwells upon the task of humanity upon this planet, a task that requires self-actualization toward a state of awareness and level of consciousness more other-concerned than self-concerned. This other-concerned state of awareness is one which will hopefully catapult humanity beyond its present acquisitive mindset that has created the ecological crises we and the other species on this planet presently face, toward a more parsimonious and sharing state of awareness. To read more, go here.
If you are a smoker☹️ and want to quit, 😊 take a look at 'How to stop smoking' under 'Self Help' in the Menu for an effective strategy addressing the emotional, psychological, social and physical aspects of breaking the habit and becoming clean again.
And finally...don't miss the mind-tickling SLIDE SHOW below for some subtle insights on life & living.
Mandalam Slideshow
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